October 2024

Insight & Solutions  2


The Safer Federal Workforce Task Force publishes Federal Contractor and Subcontractor guidance

As we previously reported, on September 9, 2021, President Biden announced Executive Order 14042 ("Executive Order") and related initiatives designed to lead the country out of the COVID-19 pandemic. Several of the policies announced in the Executive Order will require employees of contractors that do business with the federal government to be vaccinated. However, the Executive Order left open a number of questions around the way the requirements would be implemented. Some of those questions have now been answered. On September 24, 2021, the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force (Task Force) released Guidance for Federal Contractors and Subcontractors (Guidance). A summary of the main highlights is provided in this article.

Department of Labor Introduces Dual Fringe Rates for Service Contract Act

The Department of Labor has released its annual Health and Welfare Fringe Benefits Rate adjustment for 2017-18, announcing two separate rates for the Service Contract Act.

Important Change for 2018 VETS-4212 Filings

For reporting in 2018 and going forward, government contractors will gain the efficiency of pulling a single data snapshot as of December 31 for reporting on both EEO-1 and VETS-4212 reports.  

Zika Virus Concerns in the Workplace

A global health alarm on the outbreak of a disease or virus raises issues for employers and employees as to the appropriate workplace responses. The mosquito-borne Zika virus has the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) declaring public health emergencies and putting employers’ attention on how to respond.

EEOC Proposes to Collect Pay Data and Hours from Employers

Proposed changes to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) EEO-1 report would have employers with at least 100 employees submitting all employees’ W-2 earnings data and actual hours worked beginning with the 2017 EEO-1 reporting cycle.

Proposed Regulations on Government Contractor Paid Sick Leave

The U.S. Department of Labor has published proposed regulations implementing Executive Order 13706, requiring federal contractors and subcontractors to give their workers the ability to earn up to seven days (56 hours) of paid sick leave each year.

Federal Contractor Poster

The Federal Contractor poster has been updated due to a change in minimum wage.

Federal Contractors— Final Pay Transparency Rule Issued

In 2014, President Obama issued Executive Order 13665, with the intent of promoting pay transparency and making it possible for workers and job applicants to share information about their pay and compensation without fear of discrimination.  The Department of Labor published a Final Rule implementing that order.

Federal Contractor Minimum Wage Update

As we previously reported, businesses with new or renewed federal contracts will have to pay their minimum wage workers $10.10 an hour. The rate increase will apply only to solicitations and contracts issued on or after January 1, 2015. 

President Obama Signs Executive Order for Federal Contractors - “Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces”

The new “Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces” Executive Order, which applies to new federal procurement contracts, will require those seeking government contracts to disclose their employment and labor law violations for the previous three years.

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